An augmented reality mobile app enabling you to remap your present, and redesign your future with others in your community

Shared Futures

Redesign your present, shape our tomorrow. An augmented reality mobile app enabling you to remap your present, and redesign your future with others in your community. It is a 3D present and future map of your community in Augmented Reality, giving you the freedom to zoom in and “walk your streets” or zoom out and take a birds eye view of your area.

Keep the Conversation Going….

Site 1: A Vertical Car Park

A vertical car parking, which will solve the problem of parking in the surrounding area. At the same time, the exit of the underground road will also be located in this car parking. The façade of this car park will be covered by vegetation, which will allow the building to fit into the surrounding green way.

Site 2: Sports Park

On the original vacant space, we will build a sports park. This park includes a badminton court, a skate park and a rest area. This will attract a large number of young people to come

Site 3: Commercial Buildings

Commercial and residential mixed-use buildings will be built next to the sports park. The supermarkets and shops will be opened in the ground floor, they will service the surrounding residents and the people who are doing sports here. From first floor to second floor, it will be residential apartments.

Site 4: Greenway Walkway with Movable Stores

The Greenway will connect the area and the underground river will be reopened. There will be many benches and movable shops for people to buy snacks and locally produced products.

Site 5: Tourist Centre

A tourist centre will be built to welcome visitors and tell them of the history of the community as well as its present and future.

Site 6: Concert Hall, Coffee House, and Library

This will be a multi-purpose building that will include a state of the art concert hall along with a public coffee house and community library

Site 7: Westlink Bridge

The bridge will run across the peace gate and connect the community to the city centre.

Site 8: Greenway with Exhibition Walls

This will be another Greenway with special exhibition walls to share information from the community


  1. Author

    The skate part is amazing!

  2. What is your favourite future feature?5eb9e355292491af918ec728.jpg

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