Library of things & Repair cafe (Consumption)

  •         Description:
    A place for registered community
    members to borrow everyday items for free. These are also places where broken items
    can be repaired and added to the “community collection”.


    ○       Tools,

    ○       Toys,
    board games,

    ○       Kitchen appliances,

    ○       Gardening equipment and

    ○       Electronics,

    ○       Art,

    ○       Science kits,

    ○       Craft supplies,

    ○       Musical instruments,

    ○       Tecreational equipment,

           Community Purpose

    Sharing Economy: Allows for people to share resources and,
    therefore, making them more accessible to all community members

    Skills Exchange: Can be used as a space for “time banking”
    schemes where people exchange services with one another. (Link)

    Sustainability: Ability to repair and reuse older items
    for the wider good of the community.

    Another hub for community events, such as seed and produce
    exchanges; and skill-sharing and learning events (learn to fix bikes,
    electronics, etc.)

           Belfast Examples:

    ○       Belfast Tool Library

    ○       Repair Cafe Belfast

         Global Examples

    ○       RTOC Tool Library (USA)

    ○       Library of Things (UK)

    ○       What is a Repair Cafe? (Global)

  • Knjižnica Reči (Slovenia)

Building Picture Gallery