Community Housing
● Description: These are cooperatively owned, managed, and lived in homes built for a low cost through open-source design, 3D Printing, and local off site “mini-factories”.
● Features
○ Affordable customised housing
○ Commons living areas for leisure, socialising, and shared decision-making
○ Culturally and climate-adapted architecture and reconstruction, biomimicry
○ A physical hub for people to cocreate designs and print, either to enrich public spaces (recreation and sports facilities, art installations, etc.), or use and/or contribute to the global pool of design commons for socially just and ecological building and renovation models (housing, ‘tiny houses’, shared utilities – public kitchens, etc.)
○ Community-led house sharing platform (tourism on community’s terms) with proceeds going into impactful community projects chosen democratically by its members.
● Examples in Belfast
○ Factory-made homes help tackle N Ireland housing shortage
● Real-world examples:
○ Wikihouse,
○ Hexayurt
○ Fairbnb
○ Cooperación Comunitaria (Mexico)
○ Cloughjordan Ecovillage (Ireland)