Interactive Map

This is an online real map similar to Google maps, but this one is less real life and more interactive game like map with interactive moving objects such as cars and planes. In the map, you will find multiple saved locations categorised by their nature such as tourism, education, etc.

The map is supposed to help users look for social economy implementations that exist in their city and surrounding areas. Users can look the different social economy initiations by their category and learn about each location by reading its overview and accessing its website. This tool would fit perfectly in scoping any social economy initiatives in the world to see how the buildings learned in Virtual Futures exist in real world. This would enhance the learning about social economy implementations and will further help the participant forming their ideas to suggest in later stages of the program.


  • Laptops (Windows or Mac), minimum 4 GB Ram (1 per user, or can be shared in pairs)
  • Smart Phones (with internet browser) are suitable for this tool (1 per user)
  • Tablets (with internet browser) are suitable for this tool (1 per user)
  • Internet is required for this tool
  • Headphones are NOT required for this tool

Technical Preparation before sessions

  • Ensuring that you have access to the devices you wish to use such as passwords and access code
  • Ensuring that you have internet connection
  • Installing a web browser on the devices if not installed already (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge, Opera etc)
  • Storing the map links in the bookmarks of the browser for quick access, if you have multiple browsers installed , then please ensure to use the same browser where you saved the bookmark for the website
  • Charging any devices that require charging
  • The whole technical setup for all devices must be tested at the location ahead of the session to ensure that all devices/ headphones work together without internet connection interruptions or overload


  • Please contact our prototyping lead on: