Virtual Futures Game

Virtual futures is a computer game that simulate a life in a world where Social Economy solutions are implemented in the form of separate buildings such as a FabLab (shared workshop with 3D Printers), Social Economy centre (recycling and learning), Social Garden (learning, planting, harvesting), social kitchen, and other buildings.

Each building will have an assistant presenting the building and its activities to the player, with some interactive activities that resemble how such building is used in real life.

This tool is very useful to teach the player on the different possibilities to implement social economy in life. Such knowledge would then be used to inform the later stages of the program where the participants will plan changes to their areas based on the ideas they learned about in this game.


  • Laptops Windows, minimum 8 GB Ram (1 per user), low performance laptops may not be suitable. We suggest testing the game on the laptop well before the sessions. On the first run of the game, an installation of some packages and windows updates might be required, this may require Admin Credentials.
  • Headphones are required for this tool
  • Internet is NOT required for this tool

Screen Resolution

the game comes with three display resolution settings, by default, the game will be set to Lo graphics to ensure it works on most devices, the resolution can be changed to Medium, or High based on the computer hardware specifications.

Technical Preparation before sessions

  • Installing the game on the laptops, game can be downloaded from this link (here) and placed on the PC storage. Then the game file would be pressed for the game to start.
  • Updating windows, graphic card driver, and installing some packages if required, this may be needed and you will see an error message requiring you to update windows, the graphic driver, or to install some packages for the game engine to run. This step is needed only once and would require internet connection and Administrator privileges on the computer so please get in touch with the IT admin to provide you with these details.
  • PC/Laptop to be charged with the charger connected, ensuring that the laptop is not on battery saving mode that may prevent the game from running smoothly.

Download link & Instructions

  • Please contact our prototyping lead on: