Mobile Community Care and Health Hub
(Public Health)

  • ●       Description: Free Community Health provider combining mobile “pop-up” health providers that deliver treatment and care right to your home to a Centre for producing free medicine such as insulin.


    ●       Features

    ○       Creation of “open source” medicines, tools and technologies (e.g. prosthetics)

    ○       Delivery of medicine and health supplies to community members


    ●       Examples in Belfast

    ○       Masks4AllIreland

    ○       Welcome Organisation’s Mobile Health Van


    ●       Global Examples:

    ○       AbilityMade (Link)

    ○       The Open Insulin Project (Link)

    ○       Field Ready (Global)

    ○       London Biohackspace

    ○       Counter Culture Labs, Omni Commons (Oakland, California)

    ○       OpenAPS




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