Community Kitchen, Cafe, and Garden

  •         Description:
    A place where community members can produce and eat food for free.


    ○       Guaranteed a meal with ingredients within a 20 mile radius

    ○       Joins up local food producers with users, but also experts of various sorts – seeds, heritage, autochthonous sorts, permaculture, circular design, etc. Build local agricultural-food links and knowledge

    ○       Placemaking: every month, some sections of the restaurant are redesigned, it’s a living, breathing place with inspirations coming from all over; when you enter this place, you really feel part of a vibrant community in charge of its own future (and food!)

    ○       Also has a meals-on-wheels system (open source cargobike builds and coordination platforms)

    ○       It is a hub for the collaborative mapping of community gardens, roof-top gardens, community composts, urban pollinators, etc., and connecting them (and the people involved)

    ○       Doubles as a site for performances by local artists (live music, theatre, etc.

            Examples in Belfast

    ○       Grow

    ○       The Dock

            Global Examples

    ○       Brixton Pound Cafe (UK)

    ○       Le A’terlier Paysans (Link)

    ○       FarmBot (Link)

    ○       Farm Hack (Global)

    ○       Cargonomia (Budapest, Hungary)

    ○       Maison d’Éducation à l’Alimentation Durable (MEAD – the Education and Sustainable Food Centre)

    ○       Self-managing farm ‘Agros’ in Elliniko (Athens, Greece)

    ○       Social kitchen ‘The other human’ (Athens, Greece)

    ○       The Urban Farm (Tokyo, Japan)

    ○       Center for Ecoliteracy (Berkeley, California)

    ○       Santropol Roulant community food hub (Montreal, Canada)

    ○       East Bay Food Not Bombs (Oakland, California)

    ○       No-Middlemen Cooperative (Athens, Greece)

    ○       ColyFlor Solidarity Economic Circuit (Medellin, Colombia)




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